Full Worm Moon in Virgo
Tue, 07 Mar
|Via Zoom
Come down to earth and nourish your soul in the serene energies of the Earth mother goddess sign, Virgo

Time & Location
07 Mar 2023, 20:00 – 21:45 GMT
Via Zoom
About the Event
‘We’re all just walking each other home’ - Ram Dass
An evening to check-in with your soul on the full Moon in Virgo.
'Ground with the energies of this divine, mothering, nurturing, gentle full moon. This Virgo lunar energy may be inviting you to: ground, heal, organise, look at healthy routines or perhaps to take a well needed rest. My intention with this circle is to hold us in a container to receive these beautiful soft, healing and hopeful energies, in the backdrop of early Spring. This worm moon will assist us in turning the soil of the soul. I would like to offer a safe space for retreat, so that we may find peace and comfort and take stock of our own inner landscape, gain clarity under the illumination of the moon, release what no longer serves us and embrace things that we can be 'glad' about (in the words of Pollyanna). We will meditate, muse, visualise, gently move and softly centre. I will be channeling a guided journey to meet our highest self and spirit guides. And we'll be making magical moon water!! This 'Virgo' would love to hold space for you '
- Sadie, Virgo Sun
What these circles can involve:
Group reiki healing, restorative rituals, gentle movement, storytelling, space to share, guided journeys, journal prompts, oracle card readings and visualisations with the opportunity to share in a nurturing community of beautiful souls. The theme will vary slightly month to month according with the Lunar phase and the Seasonal Wheel and the cycles of nature we will be aligning to.
Why we gather on the full moon:
Taking a pause to acknowledge the energetics of the Lunar forces and their effect on us can be empowering. To honour our feelings, release blocks, cleanse our energetic field and celebrate achievements since the previous new moon. Where we have grown, what held us back, tuning into the wisdom to reflect within and deeply listen… has a profound effect on ones life. We all need a moment to just ‘be’ in order to gain clarity. In the stillness lies the magic, that’s where we channel and communicate with our guides and our higher selves, the self that knows. The full moon is the Lunar phase for acknowledging what has come to fruition. Harnessing the full moon for purification, release and protection sets us up to clear the slate in order to begin the cycle again at the following new moon. The energy is potent and super-charged and full moons can sometimes overwhelm us, by aligning we can surrender and work with natures rhythms in collaboration rather than be ruled by them unknowingly, for knowledge is power.
What is a Circle?
Circles have existed since ancient times (in every culture), they are the oldest form of social interaction, it was normal to gather, to share stories and pass on wisdom. It’s in our DNA. So if this is your first circle I invite you to give yourself this gift, to step out of your everyday life with responsibilities and come home to yourself. It will be a safe and nurturing space.
Investment: £15
(FYI: If you are a Cosmic Cycling Club Founding Member you do not need to book via Eventbrite, the link to the circle will be posted in the Club and sent out on an email beforehand. For those of you interested in joining the Cosmic Cycling Club head to soulbeautyrituals.com to find out more).
This is a recurring monthly event online. This workshop will be led via Zoom with helpful tips to create your sacred retreat space in the comfort of your home.
Sharing: There will be moments during the circle where you are welcome to share your experiences and ask questions either via typing the Zoom chat or at the Q&A at the end. If you would prefer to just listen and turn off the camera, that is absolutely fine too. You don’t need a Zoom account to access the circle, the link will take you straight to it.
Feel free to email if you have any questions. sadie@soulbeautyrituals.com
About Soul Beauty Rituals:
Soul Beauty Rituals, founded by Sadie Pickering, is a unique combination of healing modalities (body/emotional/energy/soul work) that centre around cycles of nature and our own cycles. Sadie works 1-1 with beautiful treatments and energy work and holds circle gatherings bringing the collective energy together for heart centred connection.